Welcome back to Season #2 of the Beyond PRO Podcast!

Not only is this the first episode back, but it’s also our inaugural interview. Today, I’m talking to the formidable Tiffany Han.

I am a big, big fan of Tiffany.

When I see a woman who clearly has decided to choose courage over fear, and action over hiding, I know I’m in the presence of someone great.

Tiffany and I are in a small online coaches group together, and over the past year, I’ve watched her go from birthing twins to launching a year long program to getting her self out there with speaking gigs, interviews and more.

This woman is a force.

I’ve watched her raise her hand and say yes to getting 100 Rejection Letters and growing her business like gangbusters in the process (all while raising newborn twins btw!). Tiffany is an inspiring example of what happens when you take bold action in your business, embrace creative risk and go after the things you want – even if they’re outside the boundaries of your comfort zone.

In our interview we talk about: 

  • What would business be like if we took fear out of the equation?
  • How do we reconcile being a leader with embracing rejection?
  • Whether we can ever rid ourselves of fear
  • How Tiffany deals with setbacks, rejection and when she slips into fear

Tiffany also talks about her program, 100 Rejection Letters, which is currently open for enrolment (I’m a proud affiliate). This year-long program is designed to help you cultivate the courage and ‘scrappy resilience’ (love this term from Tiffany!!) to choose action over fear.

100 Rejection Letters is open until October 26, 2015 and early bird prices are in effect until October 19.

If fear has kept you from pursuing those big dreams and you’re finally ready to raise your hand and say yes, I HIGHLY encourage you to check out Tiffany’s program.

Check out 100 Rejection Letters* here:  http://bit.ly/1MbuhRi

Now, on to today’s show:

[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/beyondpro/BPP_016_Taking_Fear_out_of_the_Equation_with_Tiffany_Han.mp3″ title=”Taking fear out of the equation with Tiffany Han” artist=”Stephanie Pollock” color=”#da9f34″ social=”true” social_twitter=”true” social_facebook=”true” social_linkedin=”true” social_pinterest=”true” social_email=”true” ]

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Recommended Resources:

100 Rejection Letters — Tiffany’s year-long program

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert

Daring Greatly by Brené Brown


[Tweet “When you start actively pursuing what you want, the world starts responding beautifully. #100RejectionLetters @thetiffanyhan “]

[Tweet “”It’s going to require some scrappy reslience.” via @thetiffanyhan on Beyond PRO Podcast “]

[Tweet “It’s about making the yes more important than the potential of the possible sting via @thetiffanyhan”]

Thanks for listening!

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*I am an affiliate for Tiffany’s 100 Rejection Letters program. This means that if you join the program via my link, I’ll earn a small commission. Please know that I only endorse and recommend things I wholeheartedly believe in.