It’s a fine balance, isn’t it?
As entrepreneurs we struggle not to be consumed by our work, to spend time with our families and to make sure we have it all under control. It’s great in theory, but how do we live it out? How do we find that sweet spot that allows us to work on our success and our business, and also gives us the freedom to choose our own path?
Suggesting a Sunday night ritual may sound almost hypocritical coming from someone who works diligently at being with my family when I need to be with my family, but part of what keeps me sane is spending the few minutes I do on Sunday evenings, getting a head start on my week. If I go to bed knowing that I’ve set up my week and I’ve got a handle on what’s ahead, I sleep better. I also wake up better, because the anxiety of Monday morning chaos combined with wondering what I’ll be facing work-wise has been removed. It’s not about being a workaholic, it’s not about giving up my Sunday evenings, but it is about working smarter.
If we truly commit to a 15 minute jump start to get focused and create a plan, we are freed up to concentrate on other things. Keep in mind what will work for you, what will set you up for success. Maybe it’s end of day Friday or Saturday morning over coffee – whatever plan you know will work, work that plan.
I look forward to having you join me on the podcast to discover that finely tuned balance and strategies that will set you on the right trajectory to accomplish more than you thought possible this week!
Enjoy today’s episode!
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Recommended Resources

CEO Fast Track – a strategic guide to do more of what matters most
My PRO Plan – a comprehensive planning system for small business owners
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