Impact > Intent

Impact > Intent

This week has been hard.   There’s much to unpack and talk about, but today I want to share one piece that might be helpful. When I log on to social media, I see a lot of white people (myself included) trying to do the “right thing.” We’re...
The work is ours to do

The work is ours to do

The Occupation I will tell you how it was the world changed, she said — and darkness wrapped us round. I heard her clearly, though I barely heard the words. It was nearly — yes — as if she were singing. Our job, she was saying, is not to change the...
Being together, but apart

Being together, but apart

“Gathering matters because it is through each other that we figure out what we believe.” ~Priya Parker When I decided to add more community elements to the next iteration of LEAD.Well, I did so both because members were asking for them and also because the...