Tired of setting goals, crafting master plans and elaborate task lists that aren’t sustainable over the long-haul?
Over the years I’ve had a love-hate relationship with goal setting. While it’s true that nothing feels better than having a sense of clarity and a calendar full of milestones and metrics to meet, I’ve come to realize that for most of us, it doesn’t work well long term.
Things change, our environments change, our desires change and our situations change. And when we’ve got complex KPIs and BHAGs to keep up, it’s easy to quickly feel defeated and deflated when we don’t ‘rise to the challenge.’
In today’s episode I offer an alternative. It’s not perfect and it’s certainly a work in progress during these wild pandemic years, but it feels more generous and forgiving than so many of the plans I’ve tried before.
I’ll share with you how I’m unhooking from the pressures of January, why alignment should be your first priority before you do anything else, the umbrella I’m holding my commitments in this year, and finally my 3-part framework to doing the work.
If you’re interested in discussing this more or getting my help with it, I encourage you to join LEAD.Well – my community of practice, or book a complimentary call with me here to discuss how I can help you create a sustainable approach to your planning.
Enjoy the episode:
[fusebox_track_player url=”https://traffic.libsyn.com/beyondpro/102_-_A_3-part_framework_to_create_a_sustainable_plan_this_year.mp3″ title=”A 3-part framework to create a sustainable plan this year” image=”https://stephaniepollock.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/ELSW-Podcast-Player.png” social_linkedin=”true” social_pinterest=”true” social_email=”true” ]

Recommended Resources:
Join LEAD.Well – a community of practice for women who want to be better, braver leaders
The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
Ted Lasso “I believe in believe.”
Betty White, a Television Golden Girl From the Start, Is Dead at 99
How to get over your fear of planning
Everyday Leadership for Smart Women playlist – Planning Edition
James Clear on Dare to Lead podcast (part 1 and part 2)
Sign up to receive my weekly Leadership Letters
Book a complimentary call with me
Join me on Twitter here
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