In our fast-paced, 24/7 world of hot takes and endless opportunities, what might be available for us if we slowed everything down and took a moment instead?
When we think about leaders, we often think about ambitious, always-on-the go busy professionals moving from project to project. And while that’s often true and certainly supports making a lot of big things happen, often leaders can benefit by slowing down just enough to then speed up.
In today’s episode, we’ll be talking about three areas where we as leaders can benefit from slowing down: with our pace, our decision-making and our response times.
Enjoy the episode:
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Recommended Resources:
Leadership Lab: The Roots of Everyday Leadership (free workshop – Feb 25th)
How to do nothing by Jenny Odell
An Update on My Decision to Pause the Podcasts
Offline podcast series with Jon Favreau
A 3-part framework to create a sustainable plan this year
Join LEAD.Well – a community of practice for women who want to be better, braver leaders
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