Who gets to be a leader?
Short answer: you do.
More nuanced answer: you do, and here’s why you might not automatically see yourself that way.
We don’t have to look far to see that we’re facing a crisis of leadership. The pandemic has highlighted so many cracks in our systems and all the failures of leadership across sectors, communities, government, business and people with platforms.
And it’s a stark reminder that just because people hold leadership titles, does not in fact, guarantee that they actually behave as leaders. There are many people with formal leadership roles who are abysmal leaders, and there are just as many people in entry to mid-stage roles who demonstrate the qualities of the very best leaders.
A leader in every chair
Having worked, studied and volunteered in many realms of leadership roles, there’s one thing I know for sure:
But as long as we hold onto traditional, patriarchal definitions of leadership (power-hungry older white guy at the top of a company in the corner office), we severely limit the impact many of us could have because we believe we’re not the ones that can make change.
Central to my core message is the underlying idea that leadership is a practice, not a position.
Enjoy the episode:
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Recommended Resources:
Join LEAD.Well – a community of practice for women who want to be better, braver leaders
Be the author of your own ambition
A behind-the-scenes look at LEAD.Well
Book a complimentary call with me
The world needs your leadership
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