“What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say.”
One of the basic tenets of most parenting advice is that kids will do what you do, not what you tell them to do.
If you yell and scream when angry, they’ll be more likely to yell and scream when angry (even when you tell them not to). If you talk about people behind their backs, they’ll be more likely to talk about people behind their backs (even when you tell them not to).
And conversely, if you recover from mistakes and setbacks without berating yourself or others in the process, they’ll be more likely to handle mistakes and setbacks without shame and self-blame.
We know this to be true, whether we’re parents or not.
(and we hate this is true when our kid does something that we KNOW came from us. extra ugh)
What we forget is that it’s just as true at work with our colleagues, team members and clients, as it is at home with our kids.
Listen in to learn how this translates at work.
Enjoy the episode:
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