People will thank you if you created good rules, because otherwise it’s awkward, and you’re leaving everyone to figure them out on their own. ~Priya Parker

Over the past few months, tens of thousands of meetings that would otherwise be conducted in boardrooms, coffee shops, libraries and dining room tables are now being held virtually – over Zoom, Google Meets and Microsoft Meetings.

And while current technology allows for connection and continued business communications, it isn’t without its challenges. Hosts who’ve never conducted online meetings are trying to fit in-person ways into virtual rooms and are struggling to keep people engaged. Participants are feeling exhausted, depleted and Zoomed out. Many meetings leave people feeling disconnected and confused.

In today’s episode, we get really practice and offer up a ton of tips and strategies for both hosts and participants.

Enjoy the episode:

[fusebox_track_player url=”″ title=”How to have meaningful online sessions” image=”” social_linkedin=”true” social_pinterest=”true” social_email=”true” ]


Recommended Resources:

Setting digital boundaries

Embrace your humanness

Zoom Effectively: Discover Ways to Lead Inclusive Meetings and Participate Productively

CV Harquail’s mini-book, Bringing Feminist Practices to Online Work Sessions

Why Zoom is terrible

The inescapable pressure of being a woman on Zoom

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