Isn’t art about breaking rules, about challenging existing systems, isn’t it about discovering meaning in things or situations before others see anything in them?
~Peter Lindbergh
What “rules” are you adhering to that no longer serve you?
Today we’re talking about rules: the rules that we adhere to even if they no longer serve us and the rules that we forget to question because we’ve learned that it’s “just how you do it.”
Many of us are raised (especially women) to follow the rules – both the spoken and the unspoken ones.
We learn early that we’re praised when we do what we’re told, and scolded when we go against someone else’s expectations for us. We are taught, in places like school, that we shouldn’t question authority, that we should follow the path everyone else is on, and that there are ‘right’ ways to do things.
And in the process, we stop listening to our own voice and knowing, and lose our capacity for self-trust.
Great leadership is about knowing what rules need to be upheld, and which rules need to be challenged, redefined or ditched.
A few years ago, I made a commitment to myself and my business that I’d no longer follow rules that didn’t align with my values and the way I wanted to run a company. I went in search of new rules, and ended up creating my own instead.
If you’re tired of doing things the way everyone else does them, or finding yourself avoiding opportunities because the rules say you’re not ready yet, then this episode is for you.
Enjoy the episode!
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