Leader Spotlight: Meet Kourtney Branagan
On this episode of the podcast, I’m bringing you a thoughtful conversation with my friend and client, Kourtney Branagan- a leader, a mother, a community builder and a current candidate for municipal office.
Kourtney is a candidate for Ward 11 here in Calgary, Alberta in our upcoming municipal election on October 18, 2021. She’s smart, funny, engaging and wholeheartedly committed to making the city better.
Listen in as we talk about what led her to run, how she navigates the visibility and vulnerability of being in the public eye, and what she thinks gets in the way of women running for office.
Whether you’re curious about getting more involved in your own local community, running as a candidate one day, or supporting women in politics, you’re sure to get some valuable leadership insights from our conversation.
Enjoy the episode:
[fusebox_track_player url=”https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/beyondpro/094_-_Leader_Spotlight__Kourtney_Branagans_Run_for_Office.mp3″ title=”Leader Spotlight: Kourtney Branagan’s Run for Office” image=”https://stephaniepollock.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/RWC-Blog_094_Leader-Spotlight-Kourtney-Branagans-Run-for-Office.jpeg” social_linkedin=”true” social_pinterest=”true” social_email=”true” ]

Recommended Resources:
Visit Kourtney’s campaign website
Connect with Kourtney on Twitter
Connect with Kourtney on TikTok
Connect with Kourtney on Facebook
Sign up for Sips and Leadership with Kourtney & I on Sept 29/2021
Sign up to receive my weekly Leadership Letters
Last week’s episode: For the Exhausted
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