What focus is really about…
When we talk about focus, we often talk about strategies and tactics to minimize distraction, clarify priorities and “do the work.” We say to ourselves that if we could just get it together and stay focused on what matters, everything would improve.
And so we go in search of ways to find our focus, including:
✅ Saying no instead of yes
✅ Developing a morning routine
✅ Setting up a weekly meeting to plan and prep for the week ahead
✅ Time blocking and task batching
✅ Committing to “eat the frog” before noon each day
✅ Leveraging tools like Notion or Asana or Trello or analogue bullet journals to stay organized
And if we’re lucky, these strategies work – sometimes really well – for a good, long while. Until one day they don’t, and then we panic and go in search of another strategy or tool to bring us back to the priorities at hand.
What’s often overlooked is that focus isn’t really just about priorities or habits or time blocking, is that courage is really about this…
Enjoy the episode:
[fusebox_track_player url=”https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/beyondpro/095_-_Beyond_Productivity_Hacks__Pretty_Planners_Focus_is_Really_About_This.mp3″ title=”Beyond productivity hacks & pretty planners, focus is really about this.” image=”https://stephaniepollock.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/RwC-095-Beyond-productivity-hacks-pretty-planners-focus-is-really-about-this.-.jpg” social_linkedin=”true” social_pinterest=”true” social_email=”true” ]

Recommended Resources:
Our ordinary breakfast: Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins
The advice that changed my life
Why I love getting up at 4:30am every day
My Sunday night planning ritual
5 helpful steps to take before you begin a new project
Sign up to receive my weekly Leadership Letters
For the Exhausted (strategies to manage the overwhelm)
Join LEAD.Well – a community of practice for women who want to be better, braver leaders
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