Gradually, you will return to yourself,
Having learned a new respect for your heart
And the joy that dwells far within slow time.

~For the one who is exhausted, a blessing by John O’Donohue

Today I want to acknowledge anyone reading this who’s feeling exhausted, depleted or just plain tired.

I know that’s not all of you – and for those of you with a pep in your step or for whom your geographic location is currently experiencing minor COVID impacts – skip this episode and catch us next time. I don’t want to put a damper on your good, productive vibes, as I know they’re hard to come by these days. 😉
But I also know that many of you are just so very done. So this is for you, the exhausted one.
And I don’t know about you, but this can be hard to reconcile when we’re in a season typically associated with getting back to routines, into action and doing what we can to realize those goals we set last January. This is made even harder as we anticipate the long, cold season ahead where things aren’t going quite as we’d hoped they would.
A couple of nights ago at my kiddo’s soccer practice, the moms and I were talking about how tired we were of it all, but more specifically, but more specifically, how tired we were of the endless decision-making. And unlike common advice around how to navigate decision fatigue, COVID’s ever-changing situation doesn’t allow for a one-and-done approach, which means we’re constantly retooling, rethinking and re-calibrating to match the current reality.
And that’s freaking exhausting. 🥱
I don’t want to use this space here, nor your attention, to wallow in things. While it might be justified (and believe me, I’ve taken many moments lately to feel all the feels), I’d rather leave us with something helpful we can use right now to feel even marginally better about things.
Listen in as I share three things I’m thinking about to help me navigate this time.

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Recommended Resources:

Sign up to receive my weekly Leadership Letters

In praise of micro moves

The question I keep asking myself this season

Decision fatigue is real. And I have it.

What you need to get about decision fatigue

Join LEAD.Well – a community of practice for women who want to be better, braver leaders

Book a complimentary call with me

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