“It’s not about my ambition for my team members; it’s about me supporting them with theirs.”
Nekolina is the manager any employee would love to have.
As the Director of Communications for ATB Financial, Nekolina leads a team of 10. Unlike many managers who get promoted based on their technical skills, but struggle with leading people, Nekolina has made it her life’s work to be an empathetic, people leader.
In this episode, we explore her leadership philosophy of ‘giving a leg up,’ and why she believes that investing in deep listening and active support of her team members is the best place she can put her time and energy.
We also talk about some of the challenges that come with being a people-first leader and how she navigates them (think boundaries, differing expectations etc).
This is a thoughtful, important conversation for anyone who leads others.
Enjoy the episode:
[fusebox_track_player url=”https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/beyondpro/104_-_Nekolina_Lau_Gives_a_Leg_Up.mp3″ title=”Nekolina Lau Gives a Leg Up” social_linkedin=”true” social_pinterest=”true” social_email=”true” ]

Recommended Resources:
Connect with Nekolina here on LinkedIn
Basecamp, Rachel Hollis, Human-Centered Leadership, and Vulnerability Hangovers
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