Last week, I sent an email to my super smart, super savvy list of entrepreneurs who are seriously kicking some business butt! These women (and a few men) have made the commitment to go ‘all-in’ with their business and not let fear, set-backs or lack of know-how stand in their way.

I asked them to send me what THEY think it really takes to Go Pro in business and I was totally thrilled with the response. Read through their genius and see what tips you can use in your own business – there are some gems here.

And please pop down into the comment section and send me your best Going Pro tip – let’s see if we can share a ton of great ideas on how to go from status quo to Going Pro!

Remember, “Only YOU can make it happen – do what you say you are going to do and take action!”

Jodi Riolo,
Client Retention Inc.


An unwavering love for what you’re doing or selling. People feel the energy and passion!! My husband’s so jealous…as I am one of the lucky ones who skips to work every day.

A “true” willingness to help others find or see what they need.

Grit!! Broad shoulders! And a damn it I know I’m going to do it attitude! (Be your own cheerleader); Stay positive!

Jennifer Brouwer,
Décor By Jennifer


Commitment to your own personal growth and learning; how much you know and learn is used in continuing to serve your chosen clients better.

Commitment to core values

Commitment to serving your clients to the best of your ability and giving 110% at all times.

Renee Danielle Talbot
Blessing From the Heart, Inc. – Empowerment sessions


What it takes to get there is courage, belief in you and your abilities and staying true to them. Starting something from scratch and stepping out of your comfort zone is not easy but I’m doing it. You have to take that leap.

Michelle Balsillie


What does it take to Go Pro? An undeniable thirst for knowing who you are and sticking to it on a daily basis. Without that, the necessary elements of being a successful entrepreneur fizzle; trust, tenacity, and faith. They all sum up the foundation of your entrepreneurial life.

Christy Heady
Author, Writing Coach, Writing Workshop & Retreat Leader


What I think it takes to go PRO in my industry – spiritual hiking for women – is totally believing in something that is still an idea, willingness to being unreasonable, and patience.

Regina Reiter,
Hiking Goddess


My ideas on what it takes to Go Pro…I need to discover EXACTLY who I am targeting and have a huge grip on my niche. Then, I need to know all about their problems. Lastly, I need to become an expert on solving their problems by educating myself and becoming a “Pro”!

Andrea Pokorny,


The biggest step to take with your business to really “Go Pro” is to commit to consistency. Keep your weekly ezine flowing, create a blog post schedule and stick with it; be strategic and consistent with your social marketing.

Alicia Rittenhouse,
Social Media Geek Goddess


I think it takes clarity and confidence to Go Pro. You need focus and a clear vision of what you are trying to create. Then you need the confidence to get out in the world and share your vision. And you need some type of support network to help you to maintain your confidence through the ups and downs.

Catherine Morgan,
Point A to Point B Transitions Inc.


To Go Pro, is to make a commitment to myself not to quit no matter what the challenges may be. To Go Pro is to have a vision about how successful my business can be even when others say I’m being unrealistic. To Go Pro is to know that I sometimes need to be flexible and willing to make the necessary changes as my business grows. To Go Pro is to accept that even when I think I have failed, “Failure is only the opportunity to begin again, only this time more wisely.”~ Henry Ford

Theo Anidu,
Independent Scentsy Director


It takes being really tuned into your target market, understanding their challenges and responding with a great solution. But first you have to build the relationship and gain their trust. And of course offer tremendous value.

Robbie Westgard,
Sierra Marketing & Consulting


Going Pro just means leaving the job I have now and dedicating myself completely to my business. A starting business needs a lot of dedication, time and passion. It is also difficult to project the image of a professional in “……..” if you don’t do it full time. Customers tend to see it as your hobby and don’t always value your work the same way. You can do a few things here and there, but it is never the same as dedicating your full time and energy.

Image is also important; you can get some help from using Facebook or a Blog, but a professional image, storefront or web page is important.



For me Going Pro means: Finding a company name, brand and logo; Setting up my website, and Selling myself.

Karen Chason


I believe that cultivating client relationships is critically important to Go Pro. If you have great relationships, you’ll get the work and the referrals!

Cheryl Otto,
Respectful Workplace Designer


Going Pro means focus. This is critical to moving forward; each time I take my eyes off the goal, I lose momentum and have to build it again. Going Pro has meant investing in myself by hiring a coach, being accountable and getting advice from those who have walked the path I am beginning.

Another vital component has been learning to be comfortable while uncomfortable. Going Pro requires constant steps outside my comfort zones; willingness to look silly and do things I am afraid of.

Caroline Donnelly,


I think it takes putting myself ‘out there’ to Go Pro; to make connections with other entrepreneurs in the city, and to walk my talk; to inspire other women to know that they can also live as an awakened goddess.

Awakening Goddess


Firstly, it takes a lot of belief in yourself, and in those moments when your belief is lacking, living the phrase ‘fake it ‘til you make it’. When you ‘stuff up’ as you will inevitably do, fix the problem and then focus on what you can do better next time. Keep doing this over and over again, because you never get it right all the time. Focus on finding what you find fun in the business and give yourself the opportunity to do this; it will boost your energy and remind you why you started in the first place.

Abbie Allen, CCS,
Principal & Personal Concierge of Lifestyle Elements


What it takes to Go Pro is vision, belief, authenticity and choice. Vision will guide you and belief in yourself and what you offer will be clear to your clients. Doing things ‘your way’ and being true to yourself means you can sleep at night and making effective choices will mean you spend your time and resources like a Pro! Wishing every success to every single entrepreneur who chooses to Go Pro! You’re all guiding stars!

Kirsty Baker,
Firefly Coaching


Being a professional business woman means being confident in yourself and passionate about your products or service. Owning your business requires great focus; primarily on effective promotion, but yet flexible enough to alter your efforts when needed. Sometimes the course we’re on takes us down a different path. Being conscious of this, and if necessary, being willing to restructure your business, can take it to a whole new level of success.

Mary Beth Huffman,
IMPACT Marketing and Public Relations