A new year is upon us!

While I was tempted to add my voice to the endless loop of “Make this your best year yet” posts online, I am still coming out of a 2-week digital sabbatical (save for a few Facebook checks) and feel more inclined to just ease on in with some cool stuff I want you to know about. (We’ll get down to business next week).

So, to start your new year out right, here are five cool things that you may want to check out as you continue your new year planning.

1. Real Growth Retreat

I don’t know about you, but one of my priorities for 2013 is to get out and in-person more. I’m finally over the hump of having two tiny little babes at home, leaving me more free to attend conferences and events.

And it just so happens that I’ll be a featured speaker at Shelley Streit’s Real Growth Retreat. I’ll be talking about how to build a powerful presence by activating Brand YOU. This intimate gathering of women in business may be just want you need to re-ignite your passion and enthusiasm.

Join us this April 18-20 at the beautiful Stoney Nakoda lodge.

What makes this in-person event SO unique – even priceless – is in addition to the focused time you’ll be working ON your business, you’ll also connect on a deeper level with other attendees AND the experts with time to network and mastermind! You’re not just an attendee in a chair.

2. Build Your Biz and Blog with Love – Digital Guide

Last year, the lovely Julie Parker asked me to be part of her amazing digital guide, “Build Your Biz and Blog with Love.” Julie rounded up some pretty fantastic women like Alexandra Franzen, Tara Gentile, Amy Smith and yours truly.

This book is beautiful and is just $27 or Pay What You Want. *Update: This ebook is no longer for sale.

3. My fave new technologies

I have a love affair with technology. I get totally excited when I come across some new tools that may make my business run better. Here are a few I’m experimenting with that you may want to give a try too (leverage the free trials to really be sure they’ll work for you).

  • FollowUpThen – I’ll admit it publicly. Email is my achilles heel. I do my very best to keep up, and have discovered a few hacks to help streamline, but some still slip through the cracks. That’s why I’m so pumped about FollowUpThen.Instead of hoping you’ll remember when to follow up, you can simply BCC your messages with a predetermined date (e.g. 1week@followupthen.com) and you’ll automatically get an email in one week reminding you to follow up. Brilliant! And it’s just $4.99/month. Check it out here.
  • Satori – For all you coaches out there, this might be a wonderful new platform to manage your clients. I’m giving this one a test-drive right now, but it looks pretty promising (and the customer service is fantastic).I love having scheduling / coaching agreements / questionnaires and more all housed in one place. Talk about streamlined!Have a look here and take it for a free 30-day test drive.
  • Habit List (app) – I’m always on the hunt for useful apps for my iPhone/iPad. And I love the simplicity of the Habit List app. If you’re looking to make some small, but consistent habit changes in 2013 this might be the tool to help you make it happen. Simple, clean and easy-to-use, the Habit List app is quickly becoming my favourite tool to check off those daily habits. Check it out here.

4. My PRO Marketing Calendar Workshop – Jan 10

There’s still time to grab a spot in my PRO Marketing Calendar Workshop. The first workshop was held December 12th, but upon registering, you’ll instantly get access to all the worksheets (there are 9 gorgeous planning tools) plus the three audio call recordings (more than 4 hours of step-by-step training on planning your year) from the session so you can quickly catch up.

We’re having part-two on Jan 10 from 8:30am-4:30pm MST – a day to finalize your plans or ensure that all the ideas swimming around in your head make their way to paper and key dates. Even if you can’t make it live – you’ll have everything you need to plan an entire year’s worth of marketing. Bonus? This workshop also gets you clear on your revenue goals, your key offers and what supports the lifestyle you truly desire.

Grab a spot today and join us on the 10th! (or catch the replays).

5. A new program! (Because you keep asking for it!)

Just a few weeks ago, a client said to me, “I LOVE your Going Pro magazine!! I seriously printed the entire thing off at Kinkos and have been carrying it around with me in my purse – dog eared and highlighted like crazy!”

I can say that one of the very best things I’ve done for my business is create that magazine – not only was it unique and different from what everyone else was doing, but it was a huge list builder and revenue generator too. AND people got immense value from it.

I’ve been asked countless times how I did it – what were all the steps to making it happen. I won’t lie to you – it’s a lot of work, but the payoffs are huge.

So, I’ve teamed up with my good friend and business pal, Gina Bell (and fellow digital magazine publisher), to give you the goods on how to create your own digital magazine.

All will be revealed very soon.


Phew! I hope these resources serve you as you step into this new year.

Here’s to a phenomenal 2013!