If you’re anything like me, you know you need to be blogging more. Don’t get me wrong, I actually love to blog. But sometimes it winds up being the task that gets pushed to the bottom of the to-do pile. Time for a big change and a big blog boost!
And as a coach, I know that committing to a goal and taking action every day toward the goal, is the best way to reach it. So, rather than *hope* I’ll start blogging more, I am joining the Ultimate Blog Challenge.
Here’s the scoop (and you can hold me to it!):
I will write 31 blog posts between now and July 31st – yep, that means one a day! They won’t all be epic but that doesn’t matter. I’m stretching my blogging muscles and consistency is my main goal.
So, here’s the BIG question…
Will you join me? Come on….I promise it’ll be fun!
You can join for free here:
Otherwise, stay tuned and cheer me on as I write a post a day for 31 days (yikers!)
p.s. if you’re with me, drop me a note in the comment box and we can cheer each other on!