I love my daughter deeply.
But my 10-month old daughter is a terrible sleeper.
She’s a beautiful baby and happy all day long. But when bedtime rolls around, the fit hits the shan and she becomes the baby that doesn’t sleep.
Have you read the new book, the “Go the F**k to Sleep” that hit the bestseller list before it was even published? Ya, that book was written about my daughter (ok, no it wasn’t but it sure felt like it).
We have tried everything. Baths, longer bedtime routines, shorter bedtime routines, walks, rocking, wearing her, crying it out (hated every. single. minute.), graduated extinction, sleep books and everything else we could think of to try and get her to sleep. Nothing works.
I have literally not had a night off in 10 months. Not one night where I could enjoy my evening and just relax (or work!). To say that it’s been hard, would be a gigantic understatement.
Finally, at month 9, my husband and I decided that we simply could not manage it any longer. We were feeling exasperated for ourselves, and sad for our daughter. If there was an end it sight, we would have kept going – but all we saw ahead were endless nights of crying and rocking and wearing out the carpet from frequent trips up the stairs.
So, we hired a sleep coach. And we are paying her to help us identify and solve the sleep issues in our house.
The pain got that bad.
What does this have to do with you? A lot.
If you are in the business of selling anything – your services, your products or your programs, the surefire way to success is by identifying the biggest paint points of your right person. What are they lying in bed at night wishing and hoping for a solution to? What would they give ANYTHING to solve? What is impeding them from living the life they most want to live?
That’s what you need to identify and provide a solution for.
If you do that, you’ve got it made.
Instead, entrepreneurs set about creating things they *think* people want, or products/programs that they would love to deliver. And inevitably, it ends up in disappointment when they spend time, money and a lot of heart creating something that nobody wants.
Find the paint points.
Create solutions to the pain points.
Highlight why you’re the best person to solve the pain point.
Enjoy a steady stream of customers and clients.
It really can be that simple.
p.s. I’m off to go rock my baby, she’s crying again.
*This is blog post #2/31 in the Ultimate Blog Challenge. Sign up here and give your blog a boost!*