We make things too hard.

Too complicated.

We tell ourselves the story that it has to be hard to be worth it / valuable / true / real….whatever.

And this leads to all sorts of spinning. Wondering if we’re on the right path. Wondering if we can do it.

Wondering if we’re….enough.

You are always enough.

By virtue of being born – you are enough.

You have incredible gifts, delectable talents and hidden strengths that could set the world (or your right people) on fire if you let them.

Your genius is right here. Right here in front you.

And it’s waiting…pleading…begging for you to pay it some attention and let it run free.

You may not hear it or see it because you’ve let fear take its place, but believe me, it’s there.

It’s always there.

Creating a brilliant business and igniting your profit potential doesn’t have to be so hard. It can be light and easy. It can be blissful.

It’s time for a new story.

Are you ready to re-write the business story you’ve been telling? If so, ask yourself:

  • What if it was easy?
  • What if you dropped the story about things being hard and trusted that you already had everything you needed to be successful – right now?
  • What would be possible from this place?
  • What would you have to let go of?

Writing a new business story takes courage and a little bit of faith, but it doesn’t have to be hard.

It doesn’t have to be such a struggle.

Embrace easy.

See what shows up.

You may even get a glimpse of something pretty incredible that was there all along.

So this week, I challenge you to lean into easy. Let go of stories that are not serving you.

You might just surprise (and amaze) yourself.