The world lost a true genius yesterday.
Steve Jobs was a visionary, change agent and innovator. I’m deeply saddened by his passing – for his family of course, but also for the greater world community. It struck me last night that I am sad partly for what will never be. What creations will never be created now that Steve is gone.
From the moment I bought my first Mac, I have been a fierce brand evangelist. To those that ask me if they should make the switch, I always say, “once you go Mac, you never go back.”
As one of the leading world brands, Apple has done a phenomenal job of positioning itself in the marketplace. A good brand evokes feeling and emotion, and Apple does this so well. When I think Apple I think: clean, fresh, rebellious, innovative, unique, user-friendly, aesthetically-pleasing and a true leader.
In honour of Steve’s passing, I’ve put together a list of five lessons Apple can teach you about branding.
Rest in peace Steve Jobs.
1. Dare to be Different
Great brands stand out and stand FOR something. They don’t tow the line and do what’s expected, they dare to be different and they take a strong stand for what they believe in. They don’t try to please everyone and cater to the mass market. They know who their audience is and they focus their message on them. When you take a stand and stake your claim, you call forth your right people and repel your not-so-right people. This is a good thing. It’s called polarization and it’s what’s required to create a truly stand-out brand.
2. Challenge the Status Quo
Just because something has been done one way, doesn’t mean it always has to be done that way. Stop worrying about your competitors and start focusing on your customers. Challenge assumptions about delivery, about format and about outcomes. Entrepreneurship is not a one-size-fits-all equation. You are the CEO of your company – do it the way you want to do it! There are no rules.
3. Create an Experience
Have you walked into an Apple store recently? I did when I smashed the glass on the backside of my iPhone. I was choked, yet walking into the Apple store made me feel much better. The energy, the people and the overall experience were all consistent with Apple’s brand. I felt like I had entered another world – a special, exclusive community just for Mac users like me. Within minutes I was at their Genius Bar with a very helpful Apple guy looking over my situation. Five minutes later, I was on my way with a new back screen at no cost to me (well, I did buy a new protector case). BTW – this is all very intentional and deliberate on Apple’s part, so start thinking about how you can create an incredible brand experience for your right people.
4. Design Matters
Speaking transparently here, a huge part of the Apple appeal to me is in its design. Every product that comes out of Apple is thoughtfully crafted with a huge emphasis on aesthetics. This is terribly important for your brand. It isn’t everything of course – you still need a powerful message and compelling copy, but design is the first thing people notice when they come to your site. According to Derek over at Social Triggers, a recent study indicated that when asked why somebody distrusts a website, 94% cite design problems. Bottom line? Invest in a skilled graphic/web designer to come up with a visual brand that enhances and aligns with your overarching brand.
5. Stay at the Leading Edge
Steve Jobs and everyone else at Apple are innovators. They stay ahead of the curve and are constantly one step ahead of their competition. They are never comfortable resting on their laurels and simply enjoying the ride. Instead, they constantly dig deep and do what it takes to grow. Not in a vaccuum, but with their right people in mind. So continue to dream, test your ideas, be willing to take big risks and challenge what is possible for yourself and your potential. And most importantly, as Steve said in his 2005 Commencement Address to Standford’s graduating class, “Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.”
I leave you with my favourite quote from Steve. It makes me proud to be an entrepreneur, proud to share this innovative, leading community with you. You are doing amazing things in the world. Keep it up.
“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” – Steve Jobs. 1955-2011
How did Steve Jobs inspire you?