I’ve just taken on a monster challenge.

It’s called NaNoWriMo and the goal is to write 50,000 words in the month of November. It’s targeted at authors and the aim is to help them write a book in a month.

Now, I’m not writing my book this month (although I will be working on it – yes, there’s a book coming!). Instead, I’m using this time to make some serious headway in areas of my business that I keep putting off.

I was inspired by Kelly Kingman over at Sticky eBooks to take on what she’s calling, “Contentpalooza” with a goal to simply (ha!) create 50,000 words worth of content. That’s about 1667 words per day (with no break).

Over the next 30 days, I’m going to put my head down and just write and create. No judgement, no analysis-paralysis, no deleting – just raw, unedited writing. I’ll tackle the copyediting part in December!

If you’d like to follow along, here’s what I’m hoping to produce this month:

  • 52 blog posts
  • A 6-module online course (details to come later)
  • A brand manifesto
  • A few killer guest blog posts
  • Some valuable and free resources for you
  • And maybe the start of an ebook/digital guide

There’s no doubt that this is an epic challenge – at least in my books. I have two young kids at home and I only work three days a week, most of which are filled with my lovely clients.

So to actually get this done, I’m going to have to push myself and really carve out some regimented time just to write. No matter what.

These are big goals. And you might think I’m a little bit nuts for taking this on (my husband agrees). But here’s the thing and the real reason I’m doing this. I know that pushing my business forward to the next level requires that I up my level of commitment. It requires that I ditch any analysis-paralysis and just get. stuff. done.

I’ve had ideas for programs, blog posts and more simmering in the back corners of my brain for months. And yet, there just never seems to be enough time to actually bring them to fruition. Now I have no excuse. 30 days. 50,000 words. Major business progress.

Over the next 30 days, I’ll look forward to sharing with you my progress, what I’m learning about myself and also giving you a ton of valuable content.

I’d love for you share in the comments below any ideas or suggestions you have about what you’d love to read / see / learn from me.

This content is for you – not for me, so please share your ideas below or fire me off an email on my contact page.

Wish me luck!

P.s. If you want to join me, it’s not too late!

P.p.s. For the record, I just knocked off my first 481 words.