Do you spend more time coming up with great ideas than you actually do implementing them?

Are there times you actually feel overwhelmed with all of the awesome possibilities floating around in your brain?

Do you bemoan your lack of time, lack of focus and maybe even lack of willpower (it’s not that – I promise) when it comes to actually getting that new product or program DONE and on the market?

Such is the plight of the busy-brained, multi-passionate, creative entrepreneur.

Ideas are not your issue. Possibilities are not your issue. Vision is not your issue.

Creative chaos is your issue (and it plagues 90% of the entrepreneurs I talk to).

It’s MUCH harder to put those ideas, possibilities and vision into action.

Trouble is —

Possibilities do not equal profits. If you’re going to truly prosper – taking action even when it’s hard – is a job requirement.

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And that means creating the product or program (finally!) that would give you a new revenue stream. It means finding the time to just get. it. done. It means deciding on ONE product or program to run with, and giving yourself permission to shelve your other winning ideas for another day.

Yes, analysis-paralysis will creep in. Yes, that ugly business buster – resistance – will rear its ugly head. And yes, there will be times you’ll feel all over the place and wonder what step to take next.

Which of course is just often to take A step.

If you want to change your personal economy and your clients and customers’ lives – you’ve got to GO PRO.

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And that means eating the elephant one bite at a time.

It’s how ALL successful people operate. They identify the most important action step they can take to move a project forward — and then they TAKE it.

If you’re ready to take a super-sized bite toward creating, launching and profiting from a new program or product – I’ve got a jam-packed free training series. We’ll be looking at the 5 Critical Steps to go from Creative Chaos to Profitable Revenue Streams.

Sign up here:: IDEA TO OFFER Free Training Video

This is a great opportunity to kick-start that great idea and put it into action.

Photo Credit: Brittany Hock