As I’ve been sharing with my community, change is afoot here at Stephanie Pollock Media Inc.

Nothing drastic or crazy, but just some adjustments and re-designs to get me closer to creating the business and life I truly want (not just the one that shows up by default). This is a process and a commitment – and it’s kinda messy.

I’ve been asking myself a lot of questions over the past few months about where I want to go, what I want to create and how I want to show up in my business. These are powerful questions, but aren’t always easy to answer. But I know that by getting clear on them, I’ll get closer to my vision.

I’m not interested in mediocre. I want to do great things.

I’m not interested in creating another job for myself. Been there, done that – no thanks.

I’m not interested in doing what everyone does just because it’s the tried-and-true formula (BORING).

I want a business that lights me up. That excites me. That serves you AND me. That showcases the best of who I am and what I can offer the world, and has the profits to match.

I’m close – so close I can taste it. I’ve been straddling this tipping point for a while – feeling in my gut that things are about to shift big time. Doors are opening, new people are showing up to help, my head is getting clearer, and more than anything – I’m READY.

Business is great right now – better than it’s ever been – but I’m ready for more. Hungry for it. Thrilled for it. Can’t-sleep-at-night excited for it. Because I know that this time, I’ve asked the right questions to get to the truth – of what I want and what my business vision really is (not what I see others doing, or think I should do).

I wanted to share these questions with you. Many are seemingly simple, but don’t be fooled. Your answers to them are powerful indicators of what’s most important to you, and where you REALLY want to take your business (when you go of the comparison or ‘should’ thinking). I challenge you to answer these and notice if any shifts need to be made.

10 Critical Questions You Must Be Asking

1 :: What do I truly want?

Powerfully simple. What do you actually want? If I could wave my magic wand and create the business of your dreams, what would it look like?

Me: I want a business feeds my soul and my bank account. I want to spend my days doing work that excites me, rather than the technical and grunt work required to operate my business. I want to write, speak, teach and coach. I want to work solely with women committed to Going Pro in their business – they’re ALL in. I want to build out numerous revenue streams and triple my revenue this year.

2 :: What do I want to feel in business?

It’s not enough to have the structures, the profits and the systems in place. How do you want to FEEL each day in your business?

Me: I want to feel useful. I want to feel engaged. I want to feel free and unconstricted. I want to feel confident. And I want to feel inspired.

3 :: What do I absolutely NOT want in my business? 

It’s often easier to identify what we don’t want. Maybe it’s about your workload, or the types of clients, or the offers you make, or the people you’re partnering with. Figure out what needs to go (and then get rid of it).

Me: I don’t want to create a job. I don’t want a jam-packed schedule of clients. I don’t want to do the technical work any longer. I don’t want to wonder where my next cash boost is coming from. I don’t want to hang out with people who drain my energy. I don’t want to work more than 32 hours per week. 

4 :: What’s working really well? 

Zoom up 30,000 feet and hover over your entire business. What’s working really well? What’s selling? What are you getting thanked for? Assuming you enjoy these pieces – keep them up – they’re working!

Me: My programs are working really well – people are getting a ton of value and thanking me for them regularly. My VIP coaching is working well – I only have a handful of clients and they are all amazing women who are doing amazing things – and are willing to invest in themselves to get the results they want. My systems are starting to come into place (not my forte!) and my workflow is streamlining. I just hired a new part-time assistant that will take care of a TON of my back-end processes. Thanks to the help of a great friend, I’ve mapped out a much bigger product and program strategy than I initially thought possible, and I’m excited to put that into action. 

5 :: What’s not working very well? 

Flip it. What’s not working? What’s not selling? What are you doing (probably just because you always have) that just needs to GO?   Let it go so you can create opportunities for new and fresh ideas.

Me: I’m in transition with all my systems, technical pieces and back-end processes. The end is in sight, but right now it’s time-consuming and distracting. I’m ready to find a new way to work 1:1 with clients – I need more time to focus on my product and program creation (an area I’m super excited about). 

6 :: Will this choice give me more energy, or deplete it? 

Honour yourself. Know how you best show up in your business. Stop doing things that suck the life force right out of you – just because it brings you money. Energy is one of your most valuable resources – be careful how you use it. Trust yourself. Say no. Business shouldn’t be a slog. If it is – something’s gotta give.

Me: I’ve been analyzing EVERY aspect of my business to decide what needs to stay, what needs to go, and what needs to be outsourced. This is LARGELY based on how it effects my energy. If it depletes me – it goes (either to the trash, or to my team). 

7 :: Am I chasing the money, or is this decision aligned with my brand and my business vision? 

This is a toughie. We are in business to make money (otherwise you have a hobby). But when you’re chasing money, business starts to feel hard, icky and out of alignment. Each time you bring in something new – an idea, an offer, a partner or whatever – ask yourself what it’s based on. If it’s PURELY to create revenue – you may find yourself chasing the elusive dollar. If it’s bigger than that – great. The money will come.

Me: I’m in business to make a profit. But I can pinpoint the times that I did something purely for the money. And it fell flat each time. 

8 :: Will this bring me long-term fulfillment, or short-term gratification? 

It’s a balancing act to keep the present-state business happy and thriving, while keeping your eye on the big prize – that vision you’ve got that may feel far away. But every decision you make today will either be in service of, or detracting from your long-term vision. Choose wisely.

Me: I constantly struggle with this one. Mostly because I have a million ideas and want to implement them NOW.  I have to constantly reign myself in and remind myself what I’m creating. I ask myself, “does this fit in the bigger picture?” and if the answer’s ‘no’ – I either park it to explore later, or ditch it. 

9 :: Does this thrill me? 

This one is easy – either a potential choice/decision excites you, or it makes you want to crawl under the covers. If you’re on the fence, get off it. It’s probably not the right fit. Don’t try and MAKE something a fit. Trust your instincts. Life is too short to waste one more minute doing something you REALLY don’t want to do.

Me: I’ve said yes to things I didn’t really want to do, because I thought I should. I’ve offered things that I really didn’t want to offer. I’m done with that. As my friend Andrea says, “If it’s not a ‘Hell ya!’, it’s a ‘Hell no!'” 

10 :: Who do I need to help me realize this vision? 

I’ve said it a million times. It takes a village to build a business. You cannot, nor should not, go it alone. It’s just so much easier (and way more fun) with support. Who do you need on your team to help you achieve your goals? A business coach? A virtual assistant? A graphic designer? A housecleaner? A babysitter? An advisory committee? A mentor?

Me: I’ve got big, big goals for 2012 – and I know I can’t do it alone. So, I recently hired a new virtual assistant from the Philippines – she’ll be an integral part of my business growth and my first experience hiring overseas (so far, so awesome!). I’ve started meeting with a good friend who is ridiculously smart on strategy and processes – he’s helping me map out a better way forward. I’m part of a kick-ass mastermind group of fellow coaches who tell it like it is, and give it to me straight. I’ve got a couple of great graphic designers in my back pocket when I need them. And I’ve got a small group of colleagues I can turn to when I need help. 

These questions are starting points for building a powerful and profitable business. They are there to keep you on track and aligned with your vision. I challenge you to take 30 minutes this week and answer them. Your business will thank you!