Berta Vicente Salas via Compfight
What does it take to truly flourish as an entrepreneur?
It’s a question (or some version of) that I get asked almost daily.
It’s usually followed up with:
“When will things start working for me? When will all this hard work pay off?”
There’s no doubt that it can be incredibly frustrating and disheartening to work and work and work, only to see modest results. I get that.
But the question likely isn’t, “Are you busy enough doing the work/hustling?” and is more likely, “What are you busy about?”
Meaning, you can fill your days with endless to-do’s and tasks that only move the needle two points closer to where you want to go.
And that means slow growth. Which is fine for some of you, but for the women I talk to – they’re looking for big leaps.
But here’s the thing – big leaps don’t necessarily come from being B-U-S-Y. You don’t have to be spending every waking minute on five different social media platforms, blogging three times a week, hustling at networking events and hosting weekly webinars. You can do that – but your chance of burn out will go drastically UP and your enthusiasm for business will go drastically DOWN.
Big leaps come from being smart, strategic and from simplifying. And they come from having a powerful foundation on which to build. That’s what turns fledgling hobbyists into powerful pros.
That foundation is made up for 6 core pillars. Skip over one and you’ll struggle. Complicate another and you’ll be frustrated as hell.
These pillars aren’t rocket science and you’ve probably heard them before. But the question today is, are they working for you? Have you explored and imagined each fully enough to feel grounded and empowered within them?
Take the mini-assessment below – you’ll uncover what’s working well and where your gaps are. Then spend your time plugging those gaps with the help of a coach, a course or on your own. For each pillar, ask yourself if the statements below are true for your business:
Pillar #1 :: Purpose
- I have found the sweet spot between my gifts + passion, my skills and a need in the marketplace
- I understand exactly who my ideal client / customer is and I speak directly to them when I market or create new offers
- I own my expertise and can clearly communicate the value I bring to my clients and customers
- I’ve narrowed down my niche or I’ve identified a focused theme/message I want to rally my fans around
- I’m excited about my company’s vision and where its headed – I know where I want to go
- I’m clear on how I want to FEEL in my business and what success looks like for ME
Pillar #2 :: Presence
- I know what makes me distinct in the marketplace
- My message is clear + compelling and draws in my right people
- I can dynamically express in less than a minute what my company does, who it does it for and why it matters
- My website is optimized to create a powerful brand experience for my visitors
- I know what I want my brand to be known for
- I’m clear on how I want my brand to be positioned in the marketplace
Pillar #3 :: Profitability
- My business model is by design not default and it supports my ideal lifestyle
- I have more than one revenue stream that supports my business (preferably beyond just time-for-dollars)
- I know exactly how much I need to make each month to support myself AND what my stretch goals are to have MORE than enough
- I have a product/program creation plan in place to add new offerings to my mix
- I’m clear on how to package and position my offers to support the brand I want to build
- I feel confident selling and have let go of the fears around appearing too salesy
Pillar #4 :: People
- I reach out to my peers, mentors and clients/customers to build relationships and loyalty
- I have a system in place to capture new leads to my business that works (e.g a list)
- I’m leveraging social proof by getting powerful testimonials and using them strategically in my materials
- I engage with my community regularly and am actively listening to what’s showing up for them so that I may be of service
Pillar #5 :: Platform + Promotion
- I know exactly where to focus my energy in building my platform
- I have a marketing plan and calendar in place to keep me on track throughout the year
- I’ve created a strategy to communicate with my list that raises conversions, loyalty and engagement
- I know the top 3-5 marketing strategies I will focus on over the next 6-12 months and won’t be swayed by the latest BSO (bright shiny object)
- I know how to launch my new offers so that they generate the most buzz and conversions
- I’ve got a blog that attracts, engages and converts visitors into readers and readers into subscribers and subscribers into customers
- I’ve got a client attraction plan in place to ensure that I always have enough work
Pillar #6 :: Pioneership
- I’m ready to step up as CEO of my company and really own my role as a leader
- I look BEYOND the day-to-day and spend time on growth work – those areas that grow my business over the long haul.
- I’m ready to make a powerful impact on the world and I will look for opportunities to expand or deepen my impact
- I’ve mastered the mindset needed to keep me out of fear and self-doubt
- I push my own leading edge of what’s possible – I’m not comfortable resting in the status quo
- I’ve let go of excuses, complaints and pity-parties – I know that I’m 100% responsible for getting the results I desire
How’d you do?
Don’t panic if you couldn’t say YES to everything – this takes time and it’ll always be a work in progress. Your goal now is to fill the big gaps first, and then work to fill the smaller gaps – leaving you with a tight, clear and focused business that works.
Remember – you didn’t wake up knowing how to do all of this stuff. Entrepreneurship is the ultimate lesson in personal and professional development. Just like you wouldn’t berate your three-year-old for not knowing how to ride a bike – go easy on yourself. Identify what’s working and what’s not, and systematically and confidently look to close the gap.
And when you don’t know, ask. There is no ONE right answer – there’s no magic bullet. But if you focus on filling out and deepening your understanding and actions in these six core pillars, you’ll be powerfully positioned to go from fledgling hobbyist to powerful pro.
Need help? Primed for Profits is open for registration (only 12 spots remain).
Got a side gig, hobby or not-so-profitable venture you just know could be . . . more?
Give me 6 months of your focused attention, and I’ll give you the bones of a business.
A REAL business. With revenue streams, a clear brand identity, and room to rise + evolve.
**Note: We start November 5th. This is the LAST time I’ll be running it live with direct access to me. And I’ve capped spots at 25 – with only 12 left. I’ll be hosting a webinar next week (stay tuned for details), but if this program is what you need to fill the gaps – I suggest you sign up soon.