I’m very excited to let you know about a great new book that I’d highly encourage you read.

It was written by my friend, Going PRO magazine contributor, fellow coach and all-around highly awesome woman – Andrea Owen. The book, 52 Ways to Live a Kick-Ass Life, is a manifesto for women looking to move beyond the negative self-talk and finally live the life they deserve.

No doubt I’m biased (we both went to the same coach school, so I’m pre-sold on her philosophy), but I loved this book – for three main reasons.

1. It’s broken down into 52, easily digestible chapters: I’m all about succinct and getting to the point, and Andrea does just that. No dancing around the message and no taking 25 pages to explain one concept. Hallelujah! You could read this in one sitting, or space out each lesson over time.

2. Andrea pulls no punches: I firmly believe (and teach) that if you want to make a mark in business, you’ve got to be willing to stand for something. People have to KNOW what you believe. Andrea has always been a beautiful example of this in action, and her book is no different. She tells it like it is – and doesn’t pussyfoot around what she believes you need to live a great life. Whether you agree with her stance or not, I find Andrea’s straight-up style refreshing in a sea of “let me say what I hope you’ll want to hear” messages. (She even talks about this in Chapter 40, ‘Boldly Stand Up for What You Believe, Even if it’s Unpopular’).

3. Change feels doable:  Sometimes change can feel really hard. We know we’re not living the life we really want, yet the idea of going after the life we deserve feels hard and undoable. And so we keep doing the same thing, over and over again, hoping for a different result (and you know what that’s the definition of right?). In 52 Ways, Andrea’s declarations leave no doubt about what you’ll need to shift, reframe, get over or embrace to change your reality. This book makes change feel easier and doable, not complicated and overwhelming. And the truth is, it isn’t. It’s about making a decision, taking personal responsibility and getting out of your own damn way. And 52 Ways gives you the roadmap.

If you’re looking to go PRO in business AND life – this book is a must-read, and in fact, I’d suggest you re-visit it regularly to remind yourself that the life you want is totally in your control.

Your big, gutsier life awaits!

Go grab your copy here