With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts. ~Eleanor Roosevelt

Rise and shine

Ever since I began my (very) early morning routine some nine months ago, I’ve received a lot of questions about it.

Some people look at me, mouth agape wondering what on earth I’m thinking of waking up before the sun. Others are curious, questioning if they too could rise in the wee hours to make time for themselves.

Mostly, people want to know the answers to four questions:

  1. Why I decided to get up so early
  2. What I do during my morning hours
  3. What time I go to bed
  4. Is it worth it?

In this episode of the Rise without Compromise podcast, I answer all four questions in detail and give you a behind-the-scenes look at what mornings look like for me.

Before you listen, a couple caveats:

    1. This is not prescriptive. Early mornings aren’t for everyone and I don’t think getting up early makes me any more successful than the next person who works hard but gets up at 9am.
    2. It’s nothing sexy or particularly noteworthy. I say that to demystify the practice of getting up early. It’s honestly not that big of a deal, nor is that hard to do when you want to do it.
    3. It does not need to start at 4:30am. That’s what works for me, right now, and this season in my life and work. It’s about the “why” behind it, not the actual time on the clock. You can do the same thing at 6:30am or 2:30pm or 9:30pm.
    4. If you’ve been wanting to make more time for yourself, your work or your creative ideas, listen in and see if it inspires you to start a morning practice.

      And if not, then that’s perfectly fine too. As I say in the show, you do you.

      Enjoy the episode:

      [smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/beyondpro/Why_I_love_getting_up_at_4_30am_every_day.mp3″ title=”Why I love getting up at 4:30am every day” image=”https://stephaniepollock.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/RWC_069_Blog.png” social_linkedin=”true” social_email=”true” ]


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      Recommended Resources:

      Build better habits (the ones that stick)

      “Good for her, not for me.”

      Boost your chances for success with a set of these

      Simple Habit app

      The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron

      Up First podcast by NPR

      The Daily by the New York Times

      Sign up to receive my weekly Leadership Letters

      Book a Breakthrough Session with me to talk about how to do work that matters this year

      Join me on Instagram here or on Twitter here and use the hashtag #risewithoutcompromise

      Learnings, Practices & Celebrations:

      I’m gathering your stories and insights into what you’re learning, practicing and celebrating. I’ll be sharing them on upcoming episodes as a way to showcase the small and big wins that often get overlooked as we go in search of what’s next.

      If you’re particularly proud of something you accomplished or a hurdle you overcame, or if you’re practicing something that’s strengthening your leadership and impact, or if you’ve had a recent aha (as I share in today’s episode), please email me and let me know.

      You can choose to stay anonymous (just let me know in your email) or I can give you a shout-out on the show. My goal is to pay reverence and respect to all the steps along the way to creating a life and work we can be proud of. You never know who you may inspire.

      Submit your story (1-4 paragraphs) here. Thank you!

      Thanks for listening:

      I want to thank you for listening and to those that have taken the time to review the show. If you like the Rise without Compromise podcast, please consider leaving an honest review in Apple Podcasts.

      Your review goes a long way to help this podcast get found by more people. Thank you!

      You can review & rate the show here Rise without Compromise