Happy New Year!
Today you have the wildly exciting opportunity to start with a clean slate for 2011. That means you can let go of all the crap that held you back in 2010 and truly make this year, YOUR year.
You can finally:
- get clarity of what you do and who you do it for
- work with your ideal clients – the ones that leave you saying, “I LOVE what I do”
- create a compelling and stand-out personal brand that gets results
- start charging premium pricing for your products and services
- claim your expertise and position yourself as a leader in your industry
- have fun doing it!
This year doesn’t have to be like last year – it really doesn’t. You have a choice. Continue to do what you’ve been doing and get those same results, or step up your game and declare that you are 100% committed to success – whatever your definition of it is.
Here’s where to start:
- Ditch the sabotaging self-talk: Or turn it down at least. Decide that you’re not going to let fear rule for 2011. Sure, you’ll get scared and nervous again – especially if you want to REALLY put yourself out there in a big way – but you just can’t let it hold you back.
- Fake it ’til you make it: Hey, I’m all for authenticity and honesty but sometimes you just have to pretend a little to boost your confidence. Whenever you’re uncertain or scared, ask yourself, “what would I do in this situation, if I was already a superstar?”
- Set your 5 BIG goals: Then start working backward to map out exactly what you need to do, by when, to reach them.
- Just Do it: Take action and you’ll be ahead of most entrepreneurs. Action builds confidence. Confidence inspires more action. Action gets results. Results increase confidence. And on and on it goes.
- Get Help: Hiring a business coach was the very best business decision I’ve ever made. Make sure you get the support, advice and guidance you need to up your game.
I’d love to hear what big goals you have planned for 2011. Feel free to share them in the comments section below.
Here’s to a rockstar 2011!