by Stephanie | Leadership, Planning + Productivity
Time has been on my mind a lot. As I spoke of in this post, my schedule went through a radical 180 this Fall and I feel like I’m just now settling in. As a client and friend said last week, “I was so happy to turn the page to October.” I couldn’t agree more. As I’ve...
by Stephanie | Leadership
Overwhelm isn’t created by what you think it is. It’s not because of having too much on your plate. It’s not because you have a burgeoning to-do list that keeps growing. And it’s not because you’re trying to balance kids, family, laundry, writing, clients and more....
by Stephanie | Leadership
Tension. It’s been on my mind a lot this week. I’ve been feeling it, my clients have been feeling it and my other entrepreneurial friends have been feeling it too. Seems there’s something in the air. My hunch is that while we all experience...
by Stephanie | Leadership
Every year in late-August, I get the itch. It happens like clockwork as the stores fill up with backpacks, the weather cools, promo emails ramp up and my love of wearing flip-flops every-waking-moment starts to wane. I begin to crave routines, meal plans,...
by Stephanie | Leadership
“There are secret opportunities hidden in failure.” ~ Sophia Amoruso I failed my coaching exam the first time it took it. An exam with a pass rate of 95%. I bombed it, spectacularly, in a white hot, fiery mess of snot and tears. The worst part? I knew it was happening...
by Stephanie | Leadership
Last night I had a convo with someone who works in the corporate world. They were remarking (ok, bemoaning) at how many of their fellow employees worked more-than-full days only to then take their laptops home and work each night until midnight. Really? Ugh. What...