Yesterday was a game-changing day in my business.

All will be revealed soon, but for now I can say that I know that I’ll look back at this time as “Pre-Feb 16” and “Post-Feb 16.” It was that big.

What I can tell you is that while I talk about Going Pro and stepping up your game and doing what it takes to build a thriving business – I’m not immune to playing small. None of us are.

There are moments in my business where I’ve rocked it out – said what I wanted to say, took inspired and strategic action, and did what it took to get where I wanted to go.

And there have been other moments when I’ve been plagued with analysis-paralysis, doubt and the worst business-killer of all – resistance.

I’ve learned that this is part of the life-cycle of an entrepreneur. There are highs, there are lows. And anyone who tells you it’s all six-figure paydays, non-stop creation and accolades for miles is totally bullshitting you.

But what I also know to be true is that we are all capable of taking game-changing action in our business that will literally shift the trajectory of where we’re headed. And this can be critical – especially if we feel like we’ve sunken into status-quo mode, or we’ve gotten off the path of our big vision.

Your business game-changer is one part thrilling and one part terrifying. Because you know that if you do it – if you REALLY do it – everything will change.

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And that can be scary. Because it can dredge up insecurities, self-doubt and all sorts of limiting beliefs ready to pounce on you for even contemplating upping your game. It may make you wonder, “Who do I need to be to really take this bold step?” or “Can I pull this off?”

You can.

Part of stepping up as the CEO of your business is about leaning into the unknown and the fear of both failure AND success. And trusting that you CAN do this.

It’s time to take a leadership role in your business and claim the piece that’s yours. Because if you don’t, who will?

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And while I’m a big proponent of eating the elephant one bite at a time, sometimes we need to just go for it. Full out. All the way.

Putting your game-changing idea into action means you build momentum, confidence and courage. And it can mean some pretty radical and amazing results in your business.

Personally, while you won’t see the roll-out for a while, I feel like I just upped my game ten-fold. I made a big investment in my business and in myself – and it feels incredible.

There’s a game-changer with your name on it. It’s time to claim it, name it and make it happen. It’s yours for the taking.

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Photo Credit: BitsofTruth