I was chatting with an old high school friend (and one of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet!), Lucas Ramage, over Facebook the other day (actually, I think we go as far back as Junior High!) about his business. I was applauding his use of social media, video blogging and other tools to connect with his audience. I thought it was refreshing to see a realtor step outside the usual marketing channels – and really connect with his audience in a more meaningful way.

I sent him a DM and told him so. He replied telling me that he’s having a great time doing it and that he’s always trying to get better, so he just keeps putting himself out there.

And then he said something that stuck with me. He said, “I’m always favouring progress over perfection.”


How many times have you been stuck, spinning your wheels because you just don’t know what to do next? Or because you’re scared that you don’t have it “just right.” So you do nothing.

Perfection is a business killer. Perfection is a dream killer. And perfection is an income killer! 

As long as you stay focused on perfection  – you never make progress. What good does it do you or your audience if you’ve got a million great ideas, half-finished products or a website that has never seen the light of day?

Now, I’m not advocating half-ass, sloppy work just to get it out there. You need to be able to stand behind it and put it out there with integrity.

What I’m suggesting is that you let go of making it perfect, or worrying about making a couple of mistakes along the way in favour of just getting stuff out there for people to buy, engage with and learn from.

This is one of the fundamental lessons every entrepreneur must learn. If you’ve got bills to pay, well then baby, you gotta just get moving. Stop the analysis-paralysis game and just pass GO already!

Part of my Going Pro Formula (stay tuned for more exciting details on this) is about cultivating a Go Pro Mindset. You have to embrace fear, embrace failure and take action to do your great work. You have to be willing to get messy. And you need to be ok with being in the mud for a while – splashing around and getting really dirty – with the intent of learning, growing and getting clearer from just DOING.

Momentum comes from doing, not from thinking. Success comes from momentum. And then pretty soon you’re flying!

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be talking a ton about the Go Pro Mindset you need to run a sustainable, profitable and successful business. And I’ll be unleashing a killer resource in less than two weeks that’ll really inspire you to start playing a bigger game in your business (oh, and it’s free!). Plus – I’m just about to unveil my signature program (I’m SOOO excited).