
Every year, I pick a theme word to embody what I want to create in the following year.

In 2013, that word was Spaciousness. I won’t pretend I nailed it, but I did do less overall (2012 was nothing but do-do-do!).

This year, my word is FOCUS.

As a multi-passionate entrepreneur prone to Bright Shiny Object Syndrome and never lacking in ideas, one of my constant challenges (and opportunities) is to focus my efforts on what matters most.

Right now, I’m reading the book: The One Thing (highly recommend) and it talks about how successful people are able to zone in on one thing and see it through. It’s a huge challenge for us as entrepreneurs, because we tend to thrive on many ideas and ways of doing something.

So, we get part-way down a path and then pivot 90 degrees and head down another one (I talked about this in my last newsletter about chasing two rabbits!). I’m all for pivoting and experimenting, but the danger (from personal experience and watching clients) is that we pivot too fast. We don’t actually give anything enough time to WORK before we’ve decided it doesn’t, and we’re trying something new.

My commitment to 2014 in both my personal and business life, is to FOCUS on what really matters.

For me, that includes my two kids as next year will bring both of them into school (preschool & kindergarten), my self-care (this has taken a back-seat to building a business & parenting two little kids), and my new (and existing) business projects including a new venture I’ll be launching in 2014 (so, so excited!), the Going PRO magazine, my amazing clients and my writing and speaking practices.

What’s your word?

As you consider what will be your theme for 2014, be sure that whatever you land on makes you feel alive, excited and inspired. It has to really resonate (don’t pick a word you think you SHOULD make your theme — it won’t stick, trust me!).

Do a brain dump of words, and then pick the one that most reflects what you want the theme of 2014 to be.

Once you’ve got your word, do some thinking about how you’ll show up in your life and business if you truly lived that word.

Reflect/journal on these questions to really integrate your theme:

  • If I truly embodied my word of X, what would be possible?
  • What would shift?
  • What would need to go to make room for this (could be something physical, a relationship or even a mindset)?
  • What do I want to add/make space for to support this theme?
  • What might get in the way of me truly living this theme?
  • What support do I need to live this fully?
  • When the calendar turns to December 31, 2014 — how will I know I’ve really embodied my theme of X? (This is about success markers).

Perfect! How does that feel?

Now take your word and post it somewhere you can see it for all of 2014 (mine is going on my bulletin board beside my desk) + on my computer wallpaper. As you go through the next 12 months, reflect regularly on whether you’re truly living your theme. If you are – keep doing what you’re doing. If not, let it be a gentle reminder that it’s time to tweak.

You now have a powerful intention and commitment for 2014. I raise my glass to you!

**In the comments, please share what your theme is for 2014 and why.


p.s. Want to go even deeper with your theme to really create a solid, profitable plan for 2014? We’ve put together a comprehensive 30-day planning workshop experience, She Planned It!, to ensure your word moves from theme into action. We start on Dec 10 live, but all materials will be recorded so you can listen on demand. Join us here! 

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