As you may know, I’m the publisher of the Going Pro Magazine.
Publishing this magazine has, without question, been one of the best business decisions I’ve made. And the feedback has been tremendous. I’ve had women tell me that they’ve printed it off at Kinkos and have a dog-eared, highlighted copy in their purse at all times. Others told me that it inspired them to keep going in business, especially when they ready to throw in the entrepreneurial towel.
I’ve often been asked why I chose to create the magazine, and how it’s worked for me, so I thought I’d share the 7 reasons why I publish a digital magazine:
1. I love magazines. I always have. I buy many print magazines, subscribe to that many more online, and can think of nothing more satisfying than curling up with a hot cup of coffee and one of my favourite publications.
2. In my previous career, I had been an editor and writer for a magazine, so I knew the process well and felt confident in my ability to pull together a high quality publication (which is what I’ll be teaching some of you in an upcoming program — see below).
3. Before publishing the first issue of Going Pro, I had a very small list. I had clients, but not enough to create a high profitable business. With two young kids at home, I knew that I needed a powerful outreach strategy that could work quickly and predominately online. I pulled together my first issue and the results were nothing short of remarkable. My itty bitty list grew by 1500+ people in less than a week. I suddenly had more people to talk to about my philosophy around Going PRO, and potential prospects to purchase some of my offerings.
And now, each time I publish, I have an influx of new people come into my business – whether they be readers or customers.
4. As I was reflecting on the ways I could grow my community, I was incredibly resistant to using the tried-and-true strategies that everyone else online seemed to use. I wanted something that differentiated me and that people would be compelled to pay attention to. It worked. I received so much feedback thanking me for doing something unique.
5. The Going PRO philosophy is centred around helping women step up and claim their greatness. But I knew all too well that fear, self-doubt and envy often got in the way of women playing bigger. I wanted a medium to show other women entrepreneurs – those that were aspiring, new or struggling – that the women they idolized all went through similar struggles. I wanted those that had reached levels of success to normalize the journey and share their candid, behind-the-scenes perspectives on how they got to where they are. I believed that it would be inspiring and liberating for women in their early days of business.
6. I was ready to create more income in my business. My primary objective with the Going Pro magazine has never been about money, but money certainly does flow through it. The first time I published, I offered a beta program on the backside of the magazine and had a 5-figure week. For someone with a 20-month and a 4-month old at home – I was over the moon!
7. And finally, I desired connection – with my readers, but also with the women featured inside each issue – a group of women that I respected and valued for their contributions to the business world. The magazine has been an incredible way to forge new friendships, collaborations and general support of each other’s work.
Publishing the Going PRO magazine continues to be a true labour-of-love. It’s an outlet for my creativity, and a powerful way to showcase the stories of successful women in business and inspire thousands of rising entrepreneurs just what is possible. And that’s what Going PRO is all about.
Bottom line? If you’re looking to increase your influence, grow your list and create more income, publishing a digital magazine can achieve all three – in less than 90 days. It’s truly a triple-threat strategy. And the best news? It’s actually much easier than you’d think.
If you have questions, or if you’ve published your own magazine, I’d love to hear from you in the comments.
Want to create your own digital magazine but don’t know how or where to start?
My colleague and friend, Gina Bell (publisher of the Rebelations magazine) and I have teamed up to create the From Mags to Riches program that will walk you through our 3-step process to Plan, Publish & Promote a digital magazine. We kick off on March 14th, and we’d love for you to join us.
*NOTE: We’re getting lots of questions about attending live. This is totally up to you. EVERYTHING will be recorded, so rest assured that if you miss any or all of it live, you won’t miss anything at all. We just wanted to deliver it in one day so that you could get to work creating your first publication. Join us!