Yes I’m an overnight success, just 11 years in the making. ~Chris Brogan, author and speaker

My husband and I were watching TV last week after a very long day. As I searched the PVR for something to watch, I saw that Modern Family had just started taping.

Awesome I thought, we love this show.

And so I hit play. And all was well until a commercial began and I realized because it was taping live, we didn’t have the luxury of hitting that little 15 seconds button a few times until we got back to the show.

Can I tell you how annoyed we both were? We looked at each other in bewilderment like, “what is happening here? Do we actually have to watch a commercial? This is so wrong!”

We were so used to having easy, on-demand access to the exact thing we wanted to watch when we wanted to watch it that it felt totally alien to have to wait.

Ah waiting. Something we’re not so good at doing.

Because for the most part, we don’t have to…

Enjoy the episode:

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Recommended Resources:

The Leadership League Mastermind

Nothing is ever wasted, it is all useful

A League of their Own (clip)

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