It’s what everyone who’s ever launched anything is deathly afraid of hearing.
You finally come up with your winning idea.
You make the time to create it – pouring some serious sweat equity into the process.
It’s done. Complete.
Shiny. Glossy. Ready to hit the market.
But are you?
Launching a product is some scary stuff – I’ve done it many, many times and I always feel nervous just before I hit send on that first email or post.
There are SO many fears that can come up when we put our stuff (and ourselves) out there – like in a big way.
- What if nobody buys? What if all I hear are crickets?
- What if no one likes it? What if I get a bunch of refund requests?
- What if I spent all this time and energy for NOTHING? That’d really suck.
- How do I launch this in a smart, effective way?
- How do I make sure I don’t offend people or piss them off?
- Do I really have to follow-up? Can’t I just let them know about it once?
Can you relate?
I know that launching, promoting and selling can feel a bit scary. I mean, you’re really putting your stuff out there – for all the world to see, evaluate and hopefully purchase.
It ain’t no easy task – and I won’t try to convince you it is.
It takes some courage and moxie, no doubt, but it’s part of the entrepreneurial gig you signed up for. So I know you can do it.
Let’s talk about five ways to turn down the volume on your fear so that you can launch with confidence and grace – knowing that your offer will be valuable and purchased by just the right people who need what you’ve got.
1 :: If it stays hidden on your hard drive – it’s not helping anyone
This one is pretty obvious, but you’d be surprised how much genius is wasting away collecting virtual dust because smart women like you aren’t willing to actually put their product or program out for sale.
Listen, if you’re in business to change the world (or your segment of it), you’ll need to take a leadership role to actively find ways to help people. And that means inviting them the opportunity to take advantage of your expertise. You are doing a disservice to the world if you let it waste away. It’s time to bring it out of hiding.
2 :: If you create a solid launch plan, the crickets will find some other yard to chirp in
It’s pretty tough to guarantee launch results, but what I can tell you is that if you do the work ahead of time to come up with a launch strategy (however small or big), you can rest assured that your right people will buy. Yes, there are variables to consider – but if you know that what you created is something people want and you’ve come up with a launch process and timeline to warm them up to it – you are sure to make sales.
This includes: market viability research, branding + positioning, pre-launch process, follow-up sequences and program delivery. All of these are vital components in a great launch and offer – and if you nail down the steps, you’ve got nothing to worry about.
3 :: You are NOT a used-car salesman
Hate to break it to you, but you’re not. So get over the whole notion of being sleazy and salesy and slimy. If you’re THAT worried about it – I can promise you’re not even remotely coming across that way.
Your are in business to sell. If you’re not selling and making a profit – you have a hobby.
This is NOT an either / or – it’s a both /and. You can sell AND be generous. You can promote AND be humble. You can offer with integrity AND still make a great profit.
4 :: People don’t read your emails….so send another one
In the advertising world, they talk about the fact that it takes up to seven impressions (or views of an ad) before someone even notices it (which is why I wouldn’t put my hard-earned money in advertising 98% of the time).
Each day, we are bombarded with countless marketing + media messages – and most of those go through our filter and don’t stick. Because face it – we’re busy people with busy lives.
So that means that it’s totally ok (and you most) follow up with people multiple times. Even people you were sure would buy right of the gate. I know it can feel nerve-wracking to hit ‘send’ AGAIN (didn’t I just tell you about this?) but the truth is, most people need multiple reminders before actually taking action. So don’t be afraid to remind them – the people who were going to buy will appreciate it.
5 :: You are WAY more of an expert than you give yourself credit for
This is a fear that comes up all the time. The fear of not being good enough. Not being enough of an expert. Watching other people out there launch similar products and programs, and worrying that yours doesn’t measure up.
Two important things here:
1. Stop watching and concentrate on your thing: The comparison trap is the fastest path to staying small. You have something amazing to offer the world – concentrate on that. Turn off the ‘noise’ and do your work.
2. You don’t have to be THE expert – you just need to be AN expert. You are not responsible for being the leading authority on plant earth. You simply get to be exactly where you’re at – and provide the level of expertise that you have. The people that need it – will find you. The people who need more – will find someone who offers that. On the continuum, you simply only need to be a couple of steps ahead to provide true value.
Own it. Claim it. Offer it.
If you want to build a business model that allows you to truly thrive – to create recurring income, increase your personal freedom and impact many people with your gifts – you’ve got to tame the selling, promotion + launch fears. As Eleanor Roosevelt said, it’s about “Feeling the fear and doing it anyway.”
I’ve just launched a great new 6-week program that will help you every step of the way. You’ll get in-depth idea creation + production training, branding, packaging + positioning expertise, and a fully laid-out, customizable launch plan to get your offer out into the world making money and making a difference.
If you’re ready for that kind of change and opportunity in your business – join the other awesome women already enrolled in the IDEA TO OFFER: How to Create Profitable Revenue Streams through Products + Programs.
Photo Credit: wwarby