Every entrepreneur wants to unlock the answer to this ONE key question:

“Why should I buy from you over all the other choices out there?”

But there’s an equally, if not much more important question to answer that most business owners overlook:

“Why should I buy from you instead of doing nothing at all?”

The truth is, most people are terrified of change. Of doing something different. Stepping outside their comfort zones. Committing to a process. Taking responsibility for the current results in their life.

And so most people do nothing. 

They might complain or whine a bit, and dip their toes into the waters of transformation.

But very few dive headfirst into the deep end – ready to do the work that comes with any sort of personal or business change.

So as marketers (which all business owners are), your job is to understand what’s preventing them from making any change at all. And to remind them of the cost of staying exactly where they are. To hold up what’s possible for them if they decide to go all in.

Because more often than not, the people that most need what you have to offer aren’t shopping your competitors.

They just aren’t shopping at all. 

p.s. one of my signature programs is getting a makeover for the Fall. This is a cash-centric digital program for entrepreneurs who want to GO PRO. ‘Cause hobbies don’t pay the bills – but your BUSINESS will! Get on the early bird notification list here. 

Photo Credit: Flikr, Erin Campbell Smith