*This is a guest post from Cara Lynn Garvock

Let’s face it.

It’s fun to use social media. It’s sexy, our ego gets a boost, we’re hip to the latest craze. What’s not fun, sexy and hip though, is spending time on the strategy that supports our online marketing efforts. We often tweet and post updates without truly understanding the context of new media and the communication revolution that’s underway. But without a solid strategic foundation, our social media house is likely to waver and fall with the first tremors of doubt or strong winds of controversy.

It’s Not About You

The first rule of social media marketing is to always provide value to your readers. This isn’t simply traditional media on steroids. You’re playing with a whole new set of rules.  The online space is about building relationships, not having a massive billboard. You’re enabling your readers to know, like, and trust you, so be a resource for them: demonstrate your expertise, anticipate and solve their problems, link to valuable statistics and other information. Once you’ve built rapport with your audience, then you can genuinely promote your offer in terms they will understand, the benefits and outcomes they can expect. This is often called the 80/20 rule: enrich their lives 80% of the time, and promote the other 20% from a place of service.

…or Is It?

For business owners of a certain age (ahem) sharing online is going to take a leap of faith. Many of us were brought up fearing the exposure and risk associated with online activity. Others are simply uber-private. But here’s the thing – social media users want authenticity, they want honesty and transparency, and above all, they want connection. So your content has to show your personality, your quirks, your vulnerabilities. This doesn’t mean divulging private matters, but it does mean showing your personal side. Ease into this slowly if you have to, and let responses from your readers guide you. If one of your more personal updates or tweets sparks engagement, then by all means, do more of what’s working!

The Sweet Spot

It might take you a few weeks or months to find that balance between business and personal. You’ll know you’ve arrived when both types of posts are generating engagement, and you’re beginning to see an impact on your bottom line.

A note of caution: In our tendency toward service and away from the spammy and salesy, women business owners can forget to ask for the business. That 20% of the 80/20 rule can dwindle down to nothing if we aren’t intentional marketers. Plan your posts around your marketing calendar and make your offer from the heart. You know your product or service can make a difference in the lives of your right people, so don’t be shy when it comes to promotion. You have a duty to get the word out!

It takes conscious effort to shift our traditional business mindset to one that will serve us in the social sphere. Be yourself, but don’t forget why you’re here.

Cara Lynn Garvock is a social media marketing strategist and coach, and the owner of Blue Boat Social Marketing. She helps business owners to take their marketing messages online where they accelerate client attraction, engagement and conversion. If you need tools, tips, and strategies to boost your social media results, head over to Blue Boat Social Marketing to subscribe to her weekly blog.