by Stephanie | Everyday Leadership for Smart Women podcast, Leadership
Nature does not hurry and yet everything is accomplished. ~Lao Tzu Today we continue with part four of our six-part series, 30 Powerful Ways to Spring Clean Your Business. If you missed the first four episodes, you can find them here, here, here and here. This series...
by Stephanie | Everyday Leadership for Smart Women podcast, Leadership
Spring is the time of plans and projects. ~Leo Tolstoy Today we continue with part three of our six-part series, 30 Powerful Ways to Spring Clean Your Business. If you missed the first and second installment, you can find them here and here. This series is inspired by...
by Stephanie | Everyday Leadership for Smart Women podcast, Leadership
No matter how long the winter, the spring is sure to follow. ~Proverb Today we continue with part two of our six-part series, 30 Powerful Ways to Spring Clean Your Business. If you missed the first installment, you can find it here. This series is inspired by my CEO...
by Stephanie | Everyday Leadership for Smart Women podcast, Leadership
Can words describe the fragrance of the very breath of spring? ~ Neltje Blanchan Today I’ve got something fun and hopefully useful for you, as we dive right into these beautiful spring months. Over the next six episodes, I’m going to give you 30 powerful ways to...
by Stephanie | Everyday Leadership for Smart Women podcast, Leadership
Overwhelm isn’t created by what you think it is. It’s not because of having too much on your plate. It’s not because you have a burgeoning to-do list that keeps growing. And it’s not because you’re trying to balance kids, family, laundry, writing, clients and more....
by Stephanie | Everyday Leadership for Smart Women podcast, Leadership
I can’t go far without hearing the statement, “You do you.” It seems to be the quote-du-jour. This idea of “You do you” is similar in sentiment to Amy Poehler’s words, “Good for her, not for me.” These words come from her hilarious book, Yes, Please! The full quote...